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2021-05-06 deutsche Flagge  deutsche Version

Covering finite sets by subsets                    Comments are welcome


The theory of partitions provides a well-known formula for the number of disjoint coverings of a finite set by a fixed number of non-empty subsets. In this paper, the number of all such (not necessarily disjoint) coverings is discussed, and a proof based on elementary combinatorics will be given.

The integer sequence OEIS A183109 \((1, 1, 7, 1, 25, 265, 1, 79, 2161, 41503, ...)\) in the OEISTM data base gives a start into this problem. This sequence describes the number of binary matrices with no zero rows or columns. For \((n\times m)-\)matrices this number equals the number  \(u(n,m)\) of coverings of a set containing  \(n\)  elements by  \(m\)  non-empty subsets (see section 2 below). The OEIS gives no proof. Riordan and Stein in [1] prove the result to be a special case of a much more general theorem which requires an elaborated deduction. A short proof will be presented in section 3.

Throughout this article,  \(M = \{m_1, ..., m_n\}\)  is a finite non-empty set.  \((B_1,~...~,B_m)\)  is a  \(m-\)tuple of subsets of  \(M\)  and  \((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  is a  \(m-\)tuple of non-empty subsets of  \(M\).

1.  Covering a set by disjoint subsets

If  \((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  is a disjoint covering of  \(M\) ,  the set  \(\{A_1,~...~,A_m\}\)  is a  \(m-\)partition of  \(M\). The number of  \(m-\)partitions of a set with  \(n\)  elements is given by the Stirling number of the second kind  \(S(n,m)\) ,  cf. [2; 3.39]. \[S(n,m) = \frac{1}{m!}\sum_{j=0}^m (-1)^{m-j} \binom{m}{j} j^n\] As  \((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  is an (ordered) \(m-\)tuple and the  \(A_i\)  are disjoint and thus pairwise different, there are  \(m!\)  arrangements of the  \(A_i\) .  Therefore, the number  \(v(n,m)\)  of these tuples is \[v(n,m) = m!\cdot S(n,m)\] Thus, the number of disjoint coverings  \((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  of  \(M\)  is \[v(n,m) = \sum_{j=0}^m (-1)^{m-j} \binom{m}{j} j^n\] We quote this well-known result because the formula derived in section 3 for the non-disjoint case is of a very similar structure.

The OEIS data base contains  \(v(n,m)\)  as integer sequence OEIS A019538 \((1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 6, 1, 14, 36, 24, 1, 30, 150, 240, 120, ...)\).  \(v(n,m)\)  also represents the number of surjective mappings of a set with  \(n\)  elements onto a set with  \(m\)  elements. The sequence above is generated by the "triangle" with  \(v(n,m)\)  in the  \(n^{th}\)  row at the  \(m^{th}\)  position,  \(m = 1,~...~,n\) ,  and read by rows. (The same principle applies to the sequence  \(u(n,m)\)  in the introduction which will be analyzed in section 3).

2.  Coverings and matrices

A  \(m-\)tuple  \((B_1,~...~,B_m)\)  of subsets of  \(M = \{m_1,~...,~m_n\}\)  is conveniently described by a  \((n\times m)-\)matrix  \(B\)  with entries  \(b_{ik} = 1\)  for  \(m_i \in B_k\)  and  \(b_{ik} = 0\)  else. So the  \(i^{th}\)  row of  \(B\)  indicates (by  \(b_{ik} = 1\)) which subsets  \(B_k\)  contain  \(m_i\) ,  and the  \(k^{th}\)  column of  \(B\)  indicates which elements of  \(M\)  are also elements of  \(B_k\) .  The same applies for  \((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  by substituting  \(A_k\)  for  \(B_k\) .

\((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  covering  \(M\)  disjointly is equivalent to every row of  \(B\)  having exactly one entry  \(1\)  and every column having at least one entry  \(1\) .

\((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  covering  \(M\)  arbitrarily as discussed in the next section is equivalent to every row and column of  \(B\)  having at least one entry  \(1\) .

3.  Covering a set by arbitrary subsets

We derive the number  \(u(n,m)\)  of all  \(m-\)tuples  \((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  with  \(\bigcup A_k = M\) : \[\textbf{(1)}~~~\textbf{Theorem}~~~u(n,m) = \sum_{j=0}^m (-1)^{m-j} \binom{m}{j} (2^j-1)^n\] Proof.  Let  \((B_1,~...~,B_m)\)  be a covering of  \(M\) .  Recall that the subsets  \(B_k\)  may be empty. The  \((n\times m)-\)matrix  \(B\)  is built as shown in section 2.

As  \((B_1,~...~,B_m)\)  covers  \(M\)  each row of  \(B\)  must contain at least one entry  \(1\) .  There are  \(2^m-1\)  different binary  \(m-\)vectors containing at least one  \(1\) .  So we get: \[\textbf{(2)}~~~\text{There are}~~(2^m-1)^n~~\text{different matrices}~~B.\] Each matrix  \(B\)  contains exactly  \(j\)  columns with at least one  \(1\) ,  for some  \(j \in \{1,~...~,m\}\) .  The corresponding  \(j\)  subsets  \(B_k\)  represent the covering of  \(M\)  and can be identified with  \((A_1,~...~,A_j)\)  while the other  \(m-j\)  subsets are empty. If we call such a matrix  \(B\)  a  \(j-\)covering matrix we get \[\textbf{(3)}~~~\text{There are}~~\binom{m}{j}\cdot u(n,j)~~~j\text{-covering}~~(n\times m)\text{-matrices.}\] Combining (2) and (3) yields \[\textbf{(4)}~~~\sum_{j=1}^m \binom{m}{j} u(n,j) = (2^m-1)^n\] \(u(n,j)\)  in equation (4) are evaluated by the binomial inversion formula (5) for sequences  \((a_j)\)  and  \((c_j)\) ;  cf. [2; 3.38(i)] : \[\textbf{(5)}~~~\sum_{j=0}^m \binom{m}{j} a_j = c_m~~~~\Rightarrow~~~~a_m = \sum_{j=0}^m \binom{m}{j} (-1)^{m-j} c_j\] With  \(u(n,0) = 0~,~~a_j = u(n,j)\)  and  \(c_m = (2^m-1)^n\)  we get \[u(n,m) = \sum_{j=0}^m \binom{m}{j} (-1)^{m-j} (2^j-1)^n\] This settles the claim of theorem (1).

4.  Remarks

(a)  \(u(n,m)\)  and  \(v(n,m)\)  are of similar build.

(b)  The number  \(m\)  of subsets can exceed the number  \(n\)  of elements. So why can  \(u(n,m)\)  be arranged in a "triangle"? This arrangement is used in OEIS and was described in the last paragraph of section 1. The answer proves the merit of the representation of a "\(m-\)covering" \((A_1,~...~,A_m)\)  by the matrix  \(B\)  introduced in section 2.  \(B\)  is a binary  \((n\times m)-\)matrix with no zero rows or columns. With regard to transposition, the number of these matrices equals the number of binary  \((m\times n)-\)matrices with no zero rows or columns. This symmetry allows the restriction  \(m \le n\).  -  An example: The number of  \(4-\)coverings of a set with  \(12\)  elements equals the number of  \(12-\)coverings of a set with  \(4\)  elements  \((~u(12,4)=129,690,975,930,463~)\).

(c)  Another way to obtain (1) would be an inclusion-exclusion proof.


[1] Riordan, J., Stein, P.R.:  Arrangements on chessboards, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A Vol. 12(1), 1972, p. 72-80

[2] Aigner, M.:  Combinatorial Theory  (Springer, Berlin, 1997)

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